Tinnitus Therapies
Tinnitus therapies includes a number of different psychological approaches we offer to help clients with problematic tinnitus. These include: tinnitus retraining therapy, EMDR therapy for tinnitus, tinnitus counselling and sound therapy.
I use a holistic and integrated approach to problematic tinnitus using different therapeutic modailities. What I use depends on what difficulties are feeding into problematic tinnitus and getting in the way of tinnitus habituation.
Tinnitus therapies are avaiable in Little Venice, Paddington, London and Cuffley, Hertfordshire.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
Our tinnitus retraining therapy is an integrated approach to help move a client who is experiencing problematic tinnitus to tinnitus habituation. We might use a combination of approaches which could include: tinnitus counselling, tinnitus sound therapy, EMDR for tinnitus and cranio-sacral therapy.
EMDR Therapy for Tinnitus
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy is a type of psychotherapy which is used for trauma associated tinnitus. It can help neutralise a negative tinnitus trigger, desensitise you to trauma associated with the experience of tinnitus, and neutralise trauma which may have caused tinnitus.

Tinnitus Counselling
All our tinnitus therapy is incapsulated by a trusting, safe, therapeutic bond which starts with tinnitus counselling. Our tinnitus counelling provides a safe container for supporting you in your process of tinnitus recovery. We use a number of approaches in tinntus counselling which might incliude psychoeducation, somatic exercises, CBT and MBSR to help you change your relationship with tinnitus and reduce tinnitus symptoms.
Tinnitus Sound Therapy
Tinnitus Sound Therapy is a way of using sound in a therapeutic way to reduce the negative impact of problematic tinnitus. Tinnitus sound therapy might involve complete or partial tinnitus masking. Products which can help with this include: tinnitus maskers, white noise machines and white noise or nature downloads.

Get in touch
The best way to contact me is via my contact form. This gives me the information i need to see if i can help you prior to having an initial consultation. Therapy practice locations can be found on our about us page. I look forward to hearing from you.